By treegirl - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on his couch when suddenly I tried to get up. Before I could stand, he grabs onto me and says, "I'm a koala and you're my eucalyptus tree!" He then continued to latch onto me for a good five minutes pretending to eat my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 579
You deserved it 111


tinnitus 0

Jeez, don't you think that's cute and hilarious!? I'll so trade with you.

That's so adorable!! It sounds just like my two friends, they're so weird in love!

Omg i wanna marry ur boyfriend he is SO cute!! ITS NOT AN FML omg

I think I know you..........Jacqui?....Bryan? Yes?

My boyfriend does that exact same thing......creepy?!?!?!?!

My fiance and I do that to each other too. I guess I'd be the weird one for doing it to him first :P

abyssion1337 0

well it's a bit weird but it's cute and you're just a whining complaining dipshit; come back when something's really wrong with you're life and you're not just trying to get validation from a bunch of strangers on the internet you insecure freak

The guy sounds kinda cool, actually. You're complaining because you have an affectionate (though slightly eccentric) boyfriend? That's pretty lame.

That.. is so.... cute. The only way your life is effed is because you don't know how to appreciate your affectionate boyfriend...