By treegirl - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were cuddling on his couch when suddenly I tried to get up. Before I could stand, he grabs onto me and says, "I'm a koala and you're my eucalyptus tree!" He then continued to latch onto me for a good five minutes pretending to eat my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 580
You deserved it 111


Haha, that sounds like my boyfriend and that's quite adorable.

sweetSandy 0

that is so not a FML!... your bf is awesome..he's sweet and obviously has a sense of humor

OP sounds like a girl who's into srs bsns. IF I were a girl, that'd be really cute, I think.

pommeblossom 0

I became a member just so I could tell you how adorable this is :)

That sounds adorabe. OP, you suck. :-P

amykay 0

He sounds like a keeper to me! Now what cute, imaginative, and adorable thing are you going to do?