By Anonymous - 24/09/2015 17:07 - United States - Richmond

Today, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to one another. He then did a naked victory lap around his dad's house, blasting Akon's "I Just Had Sex" at full volume. He's legally an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 562
You deserved it 6 085

Same thing different taste


I feel like that is a totally acceptable celebration for losing one's virginity

My boy plays it after sex all the time. It's hilarious!

kev1029 22

I did this my first time too, except for the dancing part

thats lonely island not akon. akon just appears in it

singlwforlife 22

At least he knows how to have fun. Sounds to me like you have a keeper!

I've always wanted to do that, and I was a legal adult when the song came out. Unfortunately, still haven't gotten laid.

Congratulations on the sex! I hope this is one of those jokey FMLs and you're not one of those snooty girls who trys to control their boyfriend's behaviour whenever they look like they're having too much fun.

Woah you're wrong it's The Lonely Island's song. Akon is just on it

bsmallz3 12

this is the appropriate response

mary_13 26

Hey, at least he didn't call his parents right after he was done. ;) Honestly if I was a guy I would do the same thing, that shit is hilarious.