By YeahWhatOkay - 09/02/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I looked at the Facebook page of the girl I really liked, and I saw that she'd written on her friend's wall, "Last night was the biggest mistake of my life." We hooked up last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 442
You deserved it 4 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This may sound weird, but make sure it was about you. You're probably right, but wouldn't a misunderstanding really suck? I think it's never good to make big decisions about assumptions.

Man, people need to realize that what they put on the internet is PUBLIC. Not referring to the author of this FML, but to the idiot girl who updated her Facebook reply in the FML.


This may sound weird, but make sure it was about you. You're probably right, but wouldn't a misunderstanding really suck? I think it's never good to make big decisions about assumptions.

Man, people need to realize that what they put on the internet is PUBLIC. Not referring to the author of this FML, but to the idiot girl who updated her Facebook reply in the FML.

At least you got to hook up with her! Things are looking up :P

forget that she even exists. if she knew you were going to read that, she probably doesn't give a toss to you anyway.

justforfun_fml 0

How can people not realize that their comments are visible? She must have done that intentionally... I'm sorry, though. That really sucks.

I agree with #10, but instead of saying "I don't know what WE were thinking" say "I don't know what I was thinking" **** her, if she's going to make you feel like shit and disregard your fellings publicly, then she deserves the same treatment.

Man. He did **** her... didn't you read that bit?

You should write at some place that she would probably see, something like "i had the worst sex last night, she were hairy like a bear".

Mikieboy 0

thats what you get for lurking facebook