Meritocracy is alive and well

By Anonymous - 22/05/2023 06:00 - United States - Canal Winchester

Today, I learned that the co-worker who was out sick for months, whom I covered down for, received a much larger cash award than I did. This is despite me working there longer, taking on additional details, and receiving a glowing annual review. FML
I agree, your life sucks 819
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There could be other ones; the coworker is a tall white male, he is chummy with the boss, OP is overweight, she has a resting bitch face, etc.

There's only one logical reason: She has bigger ****.


There's only one logical reason: She has bigger ****.

There could be other ones; the coworker is a tall white male, he is chummy with the boss, OP is overweight, she has a resting bitch face, etc.

OfficialMrD 3

I mean… there is a lot of missing context here… tenure is a big one.