By Jay - 06/05/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, my boss asked me to pick up some supplies for a presentation. I entered the store in the middle of an armed robbery, was knocked to the floor, and had my cash, phone and credit cards stolen. When I told my boss the story, she said, "So were you able to get the binder clips?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 445
You deserved it 3 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't blame him. Binder clips are magical

LilKonvicted 0

Well... were you able to get the binder clips?


Wow, if this isn't BS, then that's pretty hilarious! Although, I'm thinking this is made up.

Armed robbery in an office supply store??? The economic crisis must be worse than I thought...

NoBounceNoPlay 0

"Did you get the binder clips?" "…Did you hear what I just said?" Wow… either your boss wasn't really listening to what you said or she is just hardcore.

How did you not tell there was a robbery...

Why would an armed robbery occur in an office supplies store. And how would you not know. Fake.

I don't see why that would excuse you from doing your job. Go to another store and get the clips, and THEN tell your (probably fictional) story.

For some reason, the first thing this story reminded me about was McLovin.

Apparently your boss really needed those binder clips...