The buck stops here

By Anonymous - 20/09/2022 12:30

Today, my dad answered his Skype call by insisting he wasn’t giving me any more money. Thing is, I had been about to ask for money, again. I tried to open a shop in the middle of a pandemic, and I’m 4 months late on rent and utilities. I ended the call so he wouldn’t see his grown son crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 533
You deserved it 1 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, if you had been repeatedly asking him for money all this time, and with no way to pay him back, why do you expect him to say yes to lending even more money?

The struggle is real, dude, I’ve spent the last six months trying to figure shit out since my ex wife left. You’re trying; just figure out a way to talk it out and you’ll get it.


I mean, if you had been repeatedly asking him for money all this time, and with no way to pay him back, why do you expect him to say yes to lending even more money?

Unless your dad is broke-ass, he should give you money. He had 20+ years to get you ready to make it in the world. If you can't, he didn't do his job right. Cheapskate ****** needs to fork over!

The struggle is real, dude, I’ve spent the last six months trying to figure shit out since my ex wife left. You’re trying; just figure out a way to talk it out and you’ll get it.

One of the more difficult things in life is knowing when to “pull the plug” on something - be it a job, business venture, or personal relationship. Unfortunately the majority of small businesses fail within the first year even in good times. You need a new plan besides begging Dad for money. Cut your business losses and close up if it’s still not making money, find a job, and you may probably have to find a new place to live. I’m guessing, but while Dad’s cash dispenser is out of order, you can probably stay with Dad for a while until you find a job. A parent’s biggest responsibility is to raise children who can become independent and self supporting. It is not to be a cash dispenser for adult children who are floundering. Of course a good parent will want to help their children - but everyone has financial limitations and ultimately it’s not doing an adult child any good to be their forever cash dispenser. Obviously Dad is tired of, or unable to, further “loan” money that you both know will not be repaid. It’s time OP puts their big boy pants on and recognizes that their business venture was not to be successful and finds a a job - Better now when there are jobs. In the future if you decide to open a business you need to be careful that you have the financial resources to ride out the beginnings of a new business when you will be losing money at first. And you have to be selective in concentrating on a business with a good chance of success. Most successful entrepreneurs failed more than once before they found their niche - This doesn’t mean you can never start a successful business, but you have to be financially careful.

I need to understand your logic for deciding, and then going through with, opening a shop during a time when 95% of the world was forced to stay inside. Also, what exactly were you planning to sell? If your products weren't varied enough there was a very slim chance you'd have a decent customer base from the few of us who were considered essential enough to leave home for work.

Also, I would assume that the father possibly may have talked to his son about the feasibility of his shop, and whether or not it would make a profit since he has had no issues lending out money before.