
By clip_kate - 01/07/2016 02:36

Today, I went to the store, but after I'd selected my items, I saw that I'd forgotten my wallet. When I tried to explain to the cashier, he thought that I was trying to steal and called the cops. My roommate had to come to the store to save me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 295
You deserved it 1 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"That'll be thirty seven dollars and eighty one cents." "Okay. …Actually, I think my wallet is at home. Could I run back and grab it? If you need me to, I'll put the ite—" "STOP! THEIF! COPS! HERE, COPS, I'M CALLING YOUUUU!" "Look, I'm not taking anything with me! How is that thievery? I'm just going to leave!" "YOU CAN'T LEAVE! You have to stay here, stealing these items until the cops or a roommate come!"

Why would the cashier assume you were trying to steal stuff by forgetting your wallet. Makes no sense


Why would the cashier assume you were trying to steal stuff by forgetting your wallet. Makes no sense

Speaking from experience, there are people who will have a cashier ring a ton of stuff up and then suddenly they remember they forgot theit wallet. While they may not be the one walking out with stolen merchandise, they are acting as a distraction from the person who is.

Speaking from experience as a former shoplifter, you're giving us way too much credit. We don't do the distraction method unless we're shoplifting large items like a couch or TV. When we forget our wallet or have a card purposely declined, we most certainly have a bunch of stuff on us and the stuff we were going to pay for is the distraction. No other people are involved with this method usually.

okamiyazaki 8

And how does the roommate save her from this situation? Is her roommate a cop?

tounces7 27

I'm guessing English wasn't the cashiers first language and they simply didn't understand.

deathstroke990 22

why would you go through the process of buying things if you were planning on sealing them..... this makes 0 sense

OP wasn't planning on "sealing" them, nor planning on stealing them, OP realized they forgot their wallet at home once they had got to the till.

She's referring to why the cashier would think that #17.....

Because for the security guys watching you on camera, you hope that they notice you going through checkout so that it looks like you paid for everything. If they see you pick up everything and then you don't go through checkout it makes it very obvious that you're stealing

You could honestly say that escalated quickly

It's sad that we sometimes jump to the most negative conclusion.. Sorry you had to deal with that OP!

adabunga 2

... why in the world would the cashier assume you were stealing when you had the items right in front of him, and told him you forgot your wallet. At least you have a great roommate who was willing enough to do that. :)

On the bright side, at least you have a nice roommate

"That'll be thirty seven dollars and eighty one cents." "Okay. …Actually, I think my wallet is at home. Could I run back and grab it? If you need me to, I'll put the ite—" "STOP! THEIF! COPS! HERE, COPS, I'M CALLING YOUUUU!" "Look, I'm not taking anything with me! How is that thievery? I'm just going to leave!" "YOU CAN'T LEAVE! You have to stay here, stealing these items until the cops or a roommate come!"

I'll take shit that never happened for 500. Unless that cashier is just plain retarded idk.

"I think I forgot my walle-" "Alright man just take anything form the register please son't hurt me!!" "No I'm not trying to-" "Oh my god, SOMEBODY HELP! I'm being held hostage!" *Police Arrive* "List your demands and we'll do what we can but do NOT hurt the hostage or we will use force!" "No this isn-" "Oh my, this person's insane! Call the marines!!"