By HP_22 - 01/12/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I was the only employee at a video store where I work when it got robbed. After crying, shaking and spending two hours and dealing with the police, my boss called and told me it was good experience and I would know what to do next time, then made me finish my shift, the night shift, alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 729
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

Lol, your boss is an ass and I'd quit. FYL

Don't worry. Video stores will soon become extinct. You'll be out of a job in no time.


crzyry 6

Lol, your boss is an ass and I'd quit. FYL

How is the boss an ass? SOMEONE has to take care of the store, and the manager can't really call up the other employees in the middle of the night asking if they want extra hours NOW. He could close the entire store down for a few hours but those kinds of places have all kinds of 24hours advertising, so that might not be wise. At least he tried to be encouraging about it instead of telling OP to suck it up or something similar.

Um... Manager should come in and finish the guy's shift so he can send him home to sleep off the stress.

danitana 0

The manager might not be able to call others to work. But he can work himself. When I got robbed on my shift we closed the shop. It's as simple as that, and I was offered crisis-therapy. Standard offer here, and not once did I hear anything about having to finish my shift. F the manager, sue his ass!

DarkBlisBT 0

to #61 get robbed while being the only employee working in a store during a night shift and see how you feel.

Why does everyone resort to suing ? What is the world coming to? soon it will be, "someone stepped on my toe." "Sue him!!" Geez

brit8741 0

61, you're such a douchebag.

Lol, 61 has a very good point and the rest of you people are all vaginas

effyoubitch 5

Geez, what the hell happened to you?!

Definitely a shitty experience. I'd make sure wherever you work you carry a can of Mace or a taser. Won't really do much but I'm sure you could use the extra security if you're working alone again.

Careful in some states tasers and mace are illegal without a license to handle them

Reyo 2

Get a shotgun. $50 doesn't seem worth it when you're facing the recieving end of a shotgun.

Don't worry. Video stores will soon become extinct. You'll be out of a job in no time.

myhairynutsack 0

Walk out, **** him. You don't need to put up with that shit. I would sue his ass.

"...finish my shift night shift alone."

#5, sounds like the entrance to a porno doesn't it?

Badboy6 5

Lol ya your boss is an ass. Lol u should have a shotgun with ya nxt time

F THAT. Nope I wouldn't stay the rest of my shift. No way no how.

Veritas143 0

haha because it's going to be robbed again? Yeah it sucks and there's probably emotional stuff but the chances of it getting robbed again are slim to the OP didn't die..thats always a plus

The boss is an ass. But on the bright side, getting robbed twice in a night is highly unlikely....

ozymandias_fml 0

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it's not an overreaction....I would be scared shitless...a girl alone at night in a store that just got held up...Usually women aren't even allowed to work at night in gas stations and such. It's an EXTREMELY scary thing. People get raped and murdered everyday.

This is not a very fair assumption to make. I was robbed at gunpoint while also working at a video store. Even the men I was working with were traumatized and upset - some employees even went on stress leave after the incident. I couldn't even imagine being in the store by myself when it happened. How awful! And for her boss to not let her go home - that is terrible. Being threatened and robbed is not something you just get over. Have some compassion, you cold-hearted fools. ps. I agree with #11. He would owe you that much.

Lol I would LOVE to see what you would do if you had a gun to your head. If the robber told you to suck his hot dog, you would like it was the best hot dog in the world. Don't talk down to people because it didn't happen to you. You are sitting at home in a chair typing on the computer like some bad ass. Your statement is just pathetic.

lotusflower007 0