By Anonymous - 06/02/2018 19:00

Today, my best friend of 12 years traveled cross country to help me recover from major surgery. I've been sitting in the hospital by myself while she has sex in my empty apartment with some guy she met. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 653
You deserved it 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to her. Let her know that if she came to see you, she should actually be seeing you (and not just your apartment).

Hey, she’s keeping your bed warm for you for when you return. She’s taking one for the team (probably more than one!)


Hey, she’s keeping your bed warm for you for when you return. She’s taking one for the team (probably more than one!)

Apparently she wants lovin more than she wants flowers.

at least she’s not using your hospital bed...

Talk to her. Let her know that if she came to see you, she should actually be seeing you (and not just your apartment).

Seems she’s also looking for a cure for what ails her.

what, did you pay for her ticket or something?

Lobby_Bee 17

You scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Seriously though, how long can the sex last? You can't expect her to be beside you 24/7, she needs a break sometime and this might be one of those breaks.

The friend and OP live on opposite sides of the country. Up until this visit, all of the time was a break.

Umm... She said she's waiting at the hospital while her supposedly BFF bangs a stranger in HER apartment. So that means she hasn't even seen her yet since her friend got in from the opposite coast. MEANING there was no need for a "break" and she wasn't expecting her friend to be with her 24/7, but to at least be there for her after she just got in. I swear, you're either, a troll or stupid.

Some friend. When you get back on your feet, kick this person out of your life.