Economy class

By Anonymous - 09/10/2019 02:01

Today, my wife and I moved into our new place. I'm recovering from back surgery and out of work. To help make up the rent, her boyfriend moved in too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 034
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major_Haywire 7

I'm confused. Do you have an open marriage? Did you know he was her lover before he moved in? If not, how did you find out, and have you reached out to a divorce attorney, yet?


Since you're out of commission, she can't just let her coochie atrophy, can she?

Excuse Me ,What!? Are you really that stupid to be involved in a open marriage enjoy being homeless cause thats where your heading ether that or death (according to statistics from multiple studies about 60% end in nasty divorce, about 30 to 35% end violently about 5% have a mutual separation which leaves 5% or less depending on study that have a successful relationship)

I'm confused. Do you have an open marriage? Did you know he was her lover before he moved in? If not, how did you find out, and have you reached out to a divorce attorney, yet?

if you're putting up with that then ydi

Major_Haywire 7
caffeine_addict 11
bl3ur0z3 17

Her actual boyfriend or her guy friend that you're jealous of and refer to as her boyfriend? Because if she's actually moving her boyfriend in with you without giving one f, she clearly doesn't love you, which makes me question why she's keeping you around.

There is a whole lotta fuckery being left out of this one.

Sonotsuave 35

I think some clarifications are in order. If you were aware of this and have an open marriage and are saying FML suggesting she’s going to be intimate with him due to your recent surgery, I’d say it’s on you for the choice of lifestyle. If you just found out who that is while innocently thinking he was just a tenant, then FYL. If you knew and still allowed him to move in, then you’re a pussy