By mildlyconcussed - 10/08/2015 08:32 - Italy - Somma Vesuviana

Today, I went to a gig. The drummer threw his drumsticks out at the end and I managed to catch one. With my face. Not only did I get a black eye, but the person next to me snatched the drumstick from my hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 659
You deserved it 1 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you snatched them back and beat them with them! FYL

Since you managed to take the hit, OP, you deserved those drumsticks.


I hope you snatched them back and beat them with them! FYL

Stab them in the heart with it, obviously taking it too far but they won't do it again

They wont be able to do anything again ever

haskell 4
tarlax 11

16, I'm no psychologist, but I'm gonna say his issue is having to read stupid pointless generic "omg I'm gonna be #1" comments like 2's.

mds9986 24

15- newsflash: You're on the Internet. People are going to make dumb comments, so stop getting angry over such pointless things. Your comment is actually pretty useless too, which is pretty ironic.

That's not irony. That'd be hypocrisy.

Well thats the price you have to pay sometimes when going to a concert

JackAtPage 13

It's called hand-eye coordination. Dumb ****.

mds9986 24

Who pissed in your cereal this morning?

1dvs_bstd 41

Since you managed to take the hit, OP, you deserved those drumsticks.

mds9986 24

Reminds me of that video where a women took a baseball from a little girl who caught it. People are so ******* rude.

shmoooopie 29

I dont know if it was the same video but in the one I saw not only did the woman forcefully snatch the ball from the kid but her friends high fived her and cheered

mds9986 24

the person next to you is a convenient substitute for the drums. snatch them back and discover your talents.

1dvs_bstd 41

That stick is worth fighting for. One does not simply get a black eye without keeping the object as a souvenir... besides it was in your hands.. technically, it is yours to keep.

You took the phrase "use your head" to literally.

Wow I hope you tooK them back that's unacceptable. Especially if also saw u get hit with them.