By 4lphab3t4 - 11/06/2015 14:37 - United Kingdom - Stanmore

Today, the main file and backups of the book I've been writing for 2 and a half years mysteriously vanished. It turned out my mum decided that me spending so much time in my room must mean I'm watching porn, and so she trashed everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 324
You deserved it 2 439

I can't stand leg puns! tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. To all of you who say this was a bit ambiguous, I ran out of space, so let me explain in more detail. I had 3 separate USBs, one of which I carry around my neck to prevent this from happening. Everything was clearly labelled and everyone was aware that I was writing a book. As for the USB around my neck, labelled "Confidential - **** off", I took it off for a shower, and when I came back... Poof! Gone. To those of you saying I should move out, I'm 16, so no chance of that happening. And when I said "Trashed" I meant literally gone. Everything downloaded onto a separate hard drive and removed while I was out of the house. As to how she guessed my password, I may never know. But yeah, this is my follow up, hope this clears things up somewhat.

Top comments

FieldLeftBlank 20

Take it to an IT shop, deleted files can be recovered. And what the hell is her problem even if you had been watching ****...

Didn't you tell her you were writing a book?


cheshirecat13242 32

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Listen you genius, if the **** was obvious, she would have straightforwardly deleted it!

Didn't you tell her you were writing a book?

mds9986 24

I don't mean to hijack but there are programs out there that will undelete data. When it is first deleted, the data doesn't actually vanish, the computer just says that that space is now available to write over. Either find one of these programs ASAP or take it to a professional to do it for you! Try not to mess with it any more than you have to as well or the old data will be saved over and corrupted. Good luck OP!

PePziNL 20

11 - The way this FML is phrased it doesn't sound like there is very much left to recover.

ChristianH39 30

As I understand it, deleting something doesn't clear the data immediately, it just allows the space to be overwritten. So as long as Op doesn't reuse the space it may be able to be recovered. Edit: just realized 11 said the same thing

I think 25 meant that it sounds more like OP's mum either broke or threw away the harddrives rather than deleting the files. It's a bit ambiguous. I think she probably did just delete them but I know I personally wouldn't use the word 'trashed' to mean deleted.

If the computer was non-functional due to no hard drive or being smashed up, I feel he wouldn't have said "mysteriously vanished". Also you're meant to have a backup not inside the computer, a flash drive for example.

simmybaby_ 13

Sorry OP. Maybe you should tell your family what you're doing so they don't pry so much.

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That's a major invasion of privacy. I would consider having a serious talk with your mother about this.

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That doesn't sound very lighthearted, 53.

FieldLeftBlank 20

Take it to an IT shop, deleted files can be recovered. And what the hell is her problem even if you had been watching ****...

yeah normally nothing is trashed or wiped to the point of no recovery unless it's someone who is talented or knowledgeable about computers

OP needs to take it quickly. If that section of the hard drive gets other files written to it, it can corrupt the files beyond recovery.

Right? Anything over 18 and time to move out.

Not everyone can move out at 18, I work and go to school but I can't afford a apt.

But if they are over 18 mom has no right to be going through or deleting any of their things, **** or not.

Haha are you a mom? I think all moms will always do that no matter how old their kids are. Mine did it to me. I wont be doing it to my son though.

If you are still living under your parents roof then they still have a say so. Don't like it move. That's just my opinion.

#69. A few years ago my mom through away my nose hair trimmer, calling it a *****. I was 35. She was at my house, using the bathroom. So, good for you if you don't do that to your kids.

You should have stored it on a cloud, or emailed it or backed it in a CD or external HD

amileah13 26

Omg I would've flipped my shit if that happened. I've spent over four years writing a book and have had that happen to me except viruses took over our computer and my brother decided to delete everything off my file before asking me. I was so devastated. I know your pain op

Sounds like he was actually watching **** on your computer.

#32: As someone who writes as well, I can tell you it takes a damned long time to write a book. Look at Game of Thrones for example.

whiteman23 6

the length of time it takes to write a book has no implication to How good of a book it is. I'm sure there are books that took years to write and were complete shit. also, why can't people understand that backing up files I. the same computer that the original is on its retarded.... If something happens to the computer, it's just like having no backup at all