By Kate - 21/06/2017 02:00

Today, my 5-year-old cousin came over. We were on the trampoline in my backyard when he fell off and started crying and screaming. While I was trying to comfort him, my mom came out yelling at me for "pushing him off the trampoline" and grounded me for a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 421
You deserved it 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have a track record of being mean or something?

You shouldn't let people push you around like that.


Ciela 22

tell he no you didn't. that's so unfair and why a month, that's just extra

You shouldn't let people push you around like that.

Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty. Ask her for proof, that you commited the act, that she is accusing you with. Don't let yourself suffer for something that you didn't commit.

species4872 19

Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty......That is a very novel notion, too bad it's not like that in practice. Even if proven innocent the accusation will always stick.

kimiks 5

She is his mother, not a judge.

@kimiks: OP's most likely a she, judging by the name.

Do you have a track record of being mean or something?

Lobby_Bee 17

Five year olds are incapable of getting themselves hurt now? Your mom needs to check herself.

tolkien897 15

my dad used to do that kind of thing all the time.

Zachary8261 28

She didn't supervise nor used a net with the trampoline. She's the one to blame here.

Icyghost17 10

I know how that feels. My sister walked behind me while I was on a swing before, not paying attention, and I collided with her. My mother ended up hitting me for "hurting" her.

I hate those kind of a parents. Trust me I've been there.