By CodeJunky - 17/02/2016 02:15 - United States

Today, I found out how far my car can go after the fuel light comes on: All the way to the stoplight before the nearest gas station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 630
You deserved it 4 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're that close, just walk to the station and fill a can with gas

Hope it was downhill from there. FYI it's 1-2 gallons, depends on the car. Fill it up all the way as soon as the light comes on and you'll know for sure. Mines about 1 3/4 gallons.


UhHuhHoney 20

That's happened to me once. Live and learn OP. You live and learn.

I just want to mention that it's not good for your car to be that low on gas. Ideally, you should refill your tank about quarter tank or a little less than a quarter. And it also lessens the chance of this happening.

UhHuhHoney 20

It happened once. I learned from it.

Sorry I should have clarified that I was talking to OP lol

If you're that close, just walk to the station and fill a can with gas

what if OP doesn't have a gas can with them?

Most stations probably will sell OP a can if he doesn't have one.

Is it a new car since you didn't know this?

That sucks, at least you were close, but too bad for the people trying to go places as you got stuck at the light.

RedCronos 17

That sucks. However, you shouldn't have waited that long to put gas.

It's actually good to test this, and know how many klicks you can go on the gas light.

My fuel light comes on at around 450-500 miles. I know I can get around 600 miles to a tank, so I get an extra 100 miles or so. I usually fill up at around 550 miles and have a few litres of fuel left.

Sure, but you're still damaging you fuel pump because there are not much liters of fuel in your tank which makes the pump work harder to suck the small amount of fuel left at the botton of the tank.

Not to mention that the fuel in your tank keeps your pump cool. When you let your tank get too low your fuel pump is no longer submerged in that cooling fuel which can lead to decreased fuel pump life. My advice is to fill up when you hit half a tank. It's easier on the wallet, your fuel pump will likely last longer, you'll never have to wonder how accurate your fuel gauge is, and if did some reason you have to go somewhere in an emergency you'll never have to worry about if you have enough fuel to get there.

And if it's an older car, the sediment in the bottom of your tank is stirred up when you're that low and it can clog your fuel filter, making your car run horrid, if at all. On some cars that fuel filter can be a pain to change. I'm guilty of it, my car doesn't have a fuel light and my float sticks. I never know how much gas I have and just try to keep it filled constantly. I've only ran out once, also on my way to the gas station.

Oh my gosh, OP! I hope you got out of that issue alright. You've learned a lesson, at least!

JohnTheDonJuan 11

What's the worst that could've happened? Op had to walk >200 yards? Some minor embarrassment in front of complete strangers they'll never see again?

Hope it was downhill from there. FYI it's 1-2 gallons, depends on the car. Fill it up all the way as soon as the light comes on and you'll know for sure. Mines about 1 3/4 gallons.

It depends on the car. I can go about 100km once my gas light turns on, but my hubbys is about 30kms.

I've got about another 4 gallons left in mine after the light comes on.

haha the light always freaked me out exactly for that reason! :-)

Mathalamus 24

Very irresponsible. You should have topped out in gas when there is about 33% of gas left. Not wait for the gas light.

Maybe OP didn't have the money to get gas, maybe they had to wait until payday. I know its happened to me.

It costs more to fix a fuel injector pump than to fill the car up every time it gets down to 25%....

Ashd09 30

#32 Either way if you don't have the money you're S.O.L. If the OP didn't have any money and had to wait until payday to fill up that's not irresponsible, it's life. I know that it's happened to me a few times. It's not ideal but shit happens