This ain't gonna end well

By Anonymous - 13/09/2019 12:04

Today, my partner of 5 years and I sat down to talk because I expressed hope for a proposal in near future. He instead believed that we should wait, and talk about a potential future for us in another two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 578
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

End it. He's stringing you along, OP. Unless you're 19, five years is more than enough time to expect to make a permanent commitment, one way or the other. I'm so sorry.

ROJJ86 4

On the one hand, he is willing to talk in two years. On the other hand, this could be a HUGE sign of someone afraid of commitment. If he meets your other needs, acknowledges the relationship, maybe think on it. If there are lots of other little signs, run. Far and fast.


Mathalamus 24

I don't see anything wrong with taking your time.

If he's the one why be pushy? Did he say why he wanted to wait?

ROJJ86 4

On the one hand, he is willing to talk in two years. On the other hand, this could be a HUGE sign of someone afraid of commitment. If he meets your other needs, acknowledges the relationship, maybe think on it. If there are lots of other little signs, run. Far and fast.

Mathalamus 24

Afraid of commitment, but spends five years in a committed relationship? Does not compute.

Afraid of actual legal and formal commitment, maybe? It's easy to just stay in a relationship because it's convenient.

Lora Wood 11

If you are over 21 he has had ample time. If you are over 30 he is hoping to better deal you.

In other words, the BF is perfectly happy with 2 more years of free milk.... It's time to dump him and move on. Good luck, OP!

End it. He's stringing you along, OP. Unless you're 19, five years is more than enough time to expect to make a permanent commitment, one way or the other. I'm so sorry.

obviously he is not ready for a commitment.

If he basically set an end date (2 years) then get the **** out of this relationship. I wasted 8 of 10 years waiting for the proposal and marriage. Never again. Also- you should have him clarify 2 years as boy/girlfriends then on to fiancée? Bc for some the time starts over. Don’t know why.

I think if this goes on for three or four more year, you might start giving some preliminary thought to considering the first steps of dumping him.

You have your whole lives to get married. Surely you would much rather marry someone who is absolutely sure and be married forever than marry someone in a relatively short time and be divorced in another 5 years