By Lorena - 21/04/2012 19:26 - United States - Kapolei

Today, just three days into a much-needed vacation, my 5-year-old daughter has come down with chickenpox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 088
You deserved it 3 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PYLrulz 17

Better getting that around that age, than an older age. Just bad timing. FYL.

Yes because when I was a sick kid I cried for my babysitter not my mommy.


tnicole94 3

Should have gotten the vaccine.

Suck it up! That's what being a parent is all about! Stop your complaining when you were the one who chose to have children when you started having sex!

you deserved that... there's a vaccine against chicken pox, but now both you and your daughter are suffering because you neglected to get her vaccinated..

The vaccine doesn't always work. For all we know he DID get the kid vaccinated.

gotseoulx 3

....Oh, dear God. The sheer stupidity of people.. Just to let you know, getting a vaccination doesn't mean you won't get the disease. It just means it COULD PREVENT the disease. I got the chicken pox vaccination TWICE, but I still got the chicken pox when I was 12.. and it was the most terrible two weeks of my life.

why do you deserve it? because a real mom would say my daughter has chicken pox and i can't relieve her of the pain she is in fml

missalice0306 19

I was the same age when I got chickenpox and I got it during Christmas vacation too. And yes, I was vaccinated against it, yet I still got it. I hope she gets better soon :(

skittyskatbrat 19

Either your daughter is very very unlucky or you decided not to get the chickenpox vaccine. That's the deciding factor between a YDI and an FML on this one.