By Masonlee89 - 21/11/2009 03:59 - United States

Today, it was supposed to be payday. Instead, it was the day I found out that, for two weeks, I have been volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, and am not actually employed by a construction company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 802
You deserved it 41 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait.... where did you get the idea that "Today, it was supposed to be payday"..... did you just guess?

Don't you read applications? Well, at least you did a good deed!


Don't you read applications? Well, at least you did a good deed!

Yeah! "I volunteered to help the needy. F. L."

How the hell did you manage that one? This is either fake or you're a moron the likes of which I've never seen before.

What about the W2 form you need to fill out to get paid.

The W-4 and an interview and other extensive paper work.

AKProject 0

YDI for being the most idiotic and/or unobservant person on the planet.

How do you NOT KNOW you were volunteering? It's usually made very, very clear and if you had an interview they would have explained it at least 6 times that "hey you do realize this is a volunteer position, you still wanna do this right?? " *hopeful look on interviewer's face* YDI for being the most moronic person on the face of the planet.

wait.... where did you get the idea that "Today, it was supposed to be payday"..... did you just guess?

amatayo 0

With ALL jobs when you're hired they say that (blank) is payday right! And if they did not say that then would you not ask which day is payday? With all in mind I call Fake

FAKE. How can you not discuss your salary before you accept the position??

MrAdventure 1

Exactly! How do you go working somewhere and not know how much you're going to get paid? How stupid are you?

cxal_fml 0

People that work for family often don't discuss it. It could be that a relative is a contractor for construction and asked him to help work on a house for Habitat for Humanity, and he just assumed that work meant pay

Maybe he got fired, but nobody told him, and since there were also volunteers working on the project, the other bureaucrats just assumed he switched to volunteering?

I imagine they're pissed because they have no income to pay their bills, not because they did something good for someone and didn't get paid. If they worked in construction it's not like their job responsibilities would've been much different, and I'm guessing his co-workers didn't say anything. Depending on how you're employed (part-time, casual, through an employment agency) it's quite possible for this to happen. FYL OP.