All in the hood
By FoundMyLighter - 21/11/2009 01:28 - United States
By FoundMyLighter - 21/11/2009 01:28 - United States
By defectivesuperhero - 26/10/2018 13:30
By catherineratley - 06/05/2012 04:09 - United States - Carmi
By Ouch - 22/05/2009 15:16 - United States
By CassieMarieee - 10/12/2011 06:28 - United States
By Jeff comes unstuck - 31/08/2023 14:00 - Australia
By Emmz91 - 06/09/2019 16:00
By KMilly - 01/05/2009 18:42 - United States
By noo - 07/06/2009 21:49 - United States
By rabbitoncocaine - 20/04/2012 06:41 - Germany - Unterbreizbach
By oooooopss - 01/04/2012 06:44 - United States - Portland
shit he picked a brilliant spot to stop and open the hood.....not!
this is fake if it was on an incline in neutral it would have been rolling before you got to the hood
that musta hurt
u r not nice
This fake FML fails. Epically.
sounds like SAW...
stop trollings it's fake... because it would have already been moving before u opened the hood If you didn't but the brake on... FFS I know 95% of fml's are fake but now they're just getting stupid
couldn't it be possible that the force of the hood slamming shut, and the struggle to get free, caused the jeep to start rolling??? doubt it, but im just saying... i know people who have put their cars in neutral and they stay still for a few minutes and then start to roll. happened to my stepmom lol.
very unlikely. I agree, this is pathetically fake. The OP says it wouldn't start, which means it was on that hill for however long before that. Once OP got into the jeep if it was going to it would have started sliding backwards from him being there. A hood slamming doesn't have near the weight of the OP. Fake FML, nothing to see here.
This is so fake one why would you put your car in neutral to start it? And you have to so dumb that your couldent get your licences to slam your finger in the hood! And the only the hood could latch shut is if it closes al the way whice would inevitably mean that you fingers would be mashed(or cut) completley off. So no one believe this load of bull.
Wow, you must be the biggest dumbass in the world. Well, behind the OP that is. How is it hard to believe its a manual? Its actually quite likely. And you DONT have to have the car on to change gears, it definetly works if you just press the brake. So how bout before you badmouth the OP, and call him a dumbass, you make sure you get your own story straight. Fuckhead.
I, sir, have NEVER come across a vehicle that you can change gears on without having the vehicle on, first. Second being that, save for Willys Jeeps, I have seen VERY FEW Jeeps with manuals transmissions. I am a mechanic with about 10 years of professional service under my belt and I rarely see these. Look, the story doesn't add up, is all.
first, most jeep wranglers are manual and he did not specify what type of jeep it was, although most of the time wranglers are referred to as "jeeps" so don't make assumptions. second being an experienced driver of manual tranny, you do not, at all, need to have the engine running to shift into or out of gear. sorry.
Yeah this is stupid. If you're driving a stick then you know to pull the hand brake before you get out, and if it's an auto there's just no reason for it to be in neutral. And why is the FML focused on OP skinning his fingers when there's a Jeep that's rolling down an incline into a ditch? I think that's just a LITTLE more important than a bit of skin.
Dude you make no sense. You should also learn how to spell.
Neutral, to start it. Brake off because in most cases people are frustrated in these terns if events they forget the brakes and begin trying to solve the issue. Fingers can get shut in a hood just like that can get shut into giving doors. Metal flexes like any other material. The rolling probably started, not after the hood slammed shut, but after the struggle to get the fingers out. You take a hood to your hands and see if you can sit still knowing your stuck. And lastly, you stop trollin' you hypocritical bastard. For all we know this could be true. Have you ever experienced this pain before? No I doubt it. Before you go off throwing a story on something you THINK is common sense maybe you should fight yourself on and argument to see flaws. You are a dirty filthy troll with no life just looking for ways to hate on other people because you can't seem to find anything else better to do. Good day asshole.
I have to put my manual truck in neutral to start it. So it is possible he has a manual.
Not only that but his emergency brake which would be a foot brake right next to his clutch, on the left near the door, might be warn down depending on the age of the vehicle. Mine sure is. Not to mention that sometimes I forget it's on and drive with it for about 10 minutes.
I think your problem may have been slamming your fingers in the hood. That's not a very good strategy when it comes to fixing vehicles.
What the **** were you thinking? Neutral? On a hill? With pie?
Let's play a game
YDI for having a Jeep.
**** you. jeeps are amazing
**** yeah, jeeps are dank
I love the plastic windows the most (sarcasm)
Well, aren't you a dick.
jeeps are awesome in my opinion
Actually plastic windows isn't a bad idea. Can't crack as easy as glass.
Almost all windows today are plastic
YDI for having fingers.
I ******* love obvious trolls. Ty sir. and I doubt this is fake, weirder shit has happened.
wow you're dumb. Its just good policy to never get out of your car unless you put the parking brake on and/or put the car in park. and it's really not that hard to avoid slamming your fingers.
While it's not that hard to avoid slamming your hands in a car hood, accidents don't just happen to dumb people and even the most intelligent people make mistakes. I think it's a little harsh to assume he's an idiot because he had a mistake. You can't honestly claim you've never done something stupid before, even if it was intentional..
YDI! for being dumb enough to jam your fingers in your bonnet! and double YDI for not putting your hand brake on properly!!!
wow you guys are ******* idiots
how'd you be typing then genious?
It's spelled genius - how ironic that you spelled this wrong while attempting to call the OP stupid. Also, as the rest of us figured out the first time we ever saw this website, all FYL posts start with "Today" and end with "FML". These are the rules - it obviously does not mean it actually happened today. Idiot.
He never said he broke them.
I know how to type with one hand
oh come on, even if you were stupid enough to leave it on neutral on a hill and without the hand brake it would've start moving as soon as you let go of the brake.. this is fake..... or very very very stupid with a bit of magic...
Well the guy is in Alaska...assuming this happened recently, there was most likely snow on the ground which could have initially prevented the Jeep from rolling down the hill. I remember on a sports trip in Alaska one of the coaches managed to get the team van stuck on a it can happen.
I think your problem may have been slamming your fingers in the hood. That's not a very good strategy when it comes to fixing vehicles.
wow you're dumb. Its just good policy to never get out of your car unless you put the parking brake on and/or put the car in park. and it's really not that hard to avoid slamming your fingers.