By SorryUncleTommy - 01/10/2012 04:23 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, it was my uncle's funeral. I wasn't very close with him, but I still wanted to be respectful. My boyfriend, being the jackass that he is, was singing the Spider Pig song from The Simpsons under his breath while making his fingers walk up my leg, trying to get under my skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 286
You deserved it 7 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

Disrespectful. Should have slapped him on the account of your uncle and your own.

DarkHelmet 10

Why would u bring a jackass boyfriend to a relatives funeral knowing he's a jackass and that he would conduct shenanigans


darawbs 0

Dump that asshole. You can do better.

ChefRonny903 3

Hey having a significant other that loves to flirt with you/be sexual anytime anyplace isn't such a bad thing...atleast he is attracted to you right? Granted singing that song while doing it is super corny and hopefully he didn't get any that night lol... P.S. Sorry about your uncle...he's in a better place now :)

"Anyplace anytime" actually is a bad thing when it includes funerals.

ellytoad 13

I'd probably welcome the "entertainment", but I get bored easily. This is amusing. Is this really the same crowd who congratulated that one FML submitter for having such an awesome girlfriend after she punched him (for saying he was a shark for kicks)?

if he's a jackass then why date him to begin with????

First time I read through, I saw "brother" instead of "boyfriend." Imagine my astonishment

nevarezromero 6

As a Simpsons fan, I think your boyfriend's awesome!!

THAT'S what you took from this fml? It's a FUNERAL! Very, very wrong time and place. He's not awesome, he's a jerk!

hopef33110 7

I'd be so pissed that's just messed up I swear ppl gotta learn respect