By Anonymous - 29/07/2013 19:07 - United States

Today, I was walking home from the store when I saw my uncle. I went over and gave him a surprise hug. He grabbed my ass. He wasn't really my uncle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 576
You deserved it 21 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably should have just said hi like a normal person.

In the chap's defence, she did pounce on him and invade his personal space first!


Not sure who has it worse in this situation

you kidding? she probably made non-uncle's day!

In the chap's defence, she did pounce on him and invade his personal space first!

Gothicbunnyx3 16

I agree with #31. It was a mistake but you did "throw yourself" at the stranger.

salazara 10

Always look before you act..........these wise words should be taken seriously.

More than just awkward, it was flat out un-cool.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I could see how it's awkward since it was some random dude and all. Butt her jumping on him kinda provoked it. I always get my ass grabbed and slapped at concerts. As long as its a cute girl, and not some guy going after my wallet I don't mind. Asses should be grabbed as long as both participants are ok with it, and it's not some random person ass grabbing everything in sight.

that will teach you to mistake random strangers for relatives

Hello psychotherapy it's good to finally meet you

Baytheshark 14

What the- If you need therapy of any kind after this, you probably have some other crap to deal with. This is one of those, 'oh shit!' moments where you simply run off and hope to never see the person again.

Probably should have just said hi like a normal person.

I agree. People mistakenly say hi to the wrong person all the time, and it's awkward as hell. But a hi to a stranger is a helluva lot better than surprise hugs and even more surprising ass grabs.

Hahah!! Best FML I've read all day. He's just not your " uncle" yet.

You look like a future "uncle" to me :/

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

technically most dudes will be uncles at some point in their ya..good point there.

The bad kind I meant :/ I had one of them ;-;

Uncle "Bad touch" haha I don't care ***** funny to me:0