By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 03:44 - United States

Today, it was my daughter's birthday. She had been wanting a cat for a long time, so I went to the animal shelter and got an orange one. As soon as she saw it, she ran upstairs screaming, "GINGER! GINGER!" She refuses to come downstairs until I get rid of "the soulless creature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 050
You deserved it 8 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jaeyuuji 1
I_R_Genius 3

Ah gotta love those gingers, they will rule the world one day. Gingers will dominate all who oppose them.

dear moderators, I do not intend to break the sites rules, but I find this YouTube video very appropriate on the debates, and pretty funny. If this breaks the sites rules, please delete this comment without putting a warning on my account. If the link is appropriate, please delete all this other bullshit.

QwertyMcNugget 0

OP's daughter is an ungrateful bitch. don't get her a new cat she should be happy she got one in the first place

Ground your saughter for being a bitch. Honestly, if you believe that Gingers have no souls you must have been dropped on your head many times as a baby.

fingers will never rule the world because they're going extinct.


Don't get the bitch a black cat lmao

Let's grusemly torch and incinerate the foolish young child with much pleasure.

Mokiikom_fml 8

Moderator, why do you show up in the thread to mention the link is okay, and yet you do nothing to clean up the filth all over the place of people replying to the first post with completely unrelated comments. Most of the comments in this thread are attention ****** replying to the first post only to be on top of the page. It's not only ridiculous, it's also against the site rules. So please don't let this slide. (I don't mean the comment with the link specifically, I mean the pointless 'replies' to the first comment that aren't really replying to it, most are just attention whoring.)

Please point me to the site rule against this? If you mean the out of context rule, then technically your own comment violates it since it's not related to the FML. Thread hijacking is more discouraged than forbidden, annoying as it is. Anyway, you used the word 'filth', so I can't really take the complaint too seriously. Sorry!

Mokiikom_fml 8

Attention-whoring comments (made just to appear higher in the page, and not much deeper in meaning that writing "FIRST!!11!") are "filth", since they serve no purpose and merely dirty up the page. What shocks you so much with that simple word? If you refuse to do the job you're paid for as moderators, at least don't get all defensive and attack me instead. My comment is relevant in that it is pointing out the infractions. And by the way, if you ban me for saying the truth you'll only prove that this site doesn't enforces its rules and is also unfair to the minority of members who do follow the rules.

Since you want to be so well-versed in the commenting rules, how about you read the final paragraph? The moderation team is fully aware of its mandate, thanks very much. Whining about attention ******, and implying we'll ban you just for being irritating is frankly beneath contempt. Please find something else to moan about, or lighten up. End of discussion.

Mok calm your balls down dude just calm them down just a little bit man/woman.... seriously

LittleMissSusie 0

If anything, they should ban you on the premise of bad karma and unsportsmanlike conduct. And I bet now you'll probably cite some rule that doesn't exist to call me out on my outrageousness!!!

Acousticpixie14 6

If you're going to complain about something to the moderators, how about you do so by contacting them instead of filling up the comments with your whining? Sounds like a good idea to me.

Why do you people try to fight Sirin or other moderators. I mean you'll lose bad, because Sirin is badass

soxboy15 1

Does oranges have souls? Not ....but the fruit? not the man and man but the nvm. If you have raised a airhead, don't let them watch south park. Keep the cat and name it Garfield! Garfield will eat her if she's bad. This made me LOL I'm sending it to all my ginger friends.....well friend hm

zendaddy0 0

Oh god what has south park done

puppytaco64 8

292, win, and South Park has educated viewers about the enemy (gingers)

I'm sorry for op, but they deserv it for raising a heartless bitch

yeah. no more gifts till she can be less of a bitch. and redheads are hot :) just wish ppl would stop thinking they sound so cool saying Ginger instead of redhead.

I know how it feels to be called ginger. It doesn't make me angry but it's rude.

yeah Orange cats = Garfield my favorite cat

whoisthisgirl 4

my cat simba is orange :) well... brownish orange and some white. he's so fluffy!

Life_is_FML 22

My cat Sparkle is orange. She is an alien cat. She is so flipping weird.

JFloUnknown 24

123, My orange cat is also named Simba..

BeautifulChaos27 37

That's not an orange cat, that's a calico cat...

Mine was called Scooter :") Sadly he's no longer with us though

GINGERS HAVE SOULS!!! (If you don't get the ref... can't help ya...)

Lmfao, i got it :D That guy totally overreacted :3

He didnt over-react at all. you try growing in school as a ginger. it f*cking torture!

I doubt the cat has freckles, therefore it's a daywalker with half a soul :D

Wow that's real nice! Just leave CopperCab and all red headed/furred people/animals alone!

authorkid 2

I dont have any issues with being a Ginger....I mean, my brother kicked me on kick a Ginger day but that's it

Here's my thing: it's not south parks fault. it's the fault of idiots who actually take that stuff seriously. And I get the reference and that kid honestly needs some therapy.

whoisthisgirl 4

yeah omg, being a red head and not even a Ginger sucks in school. it's mostly middle school. I hated it. but I don't really have freckles on my face just strawberry blonde hair. I'm really white though :( I don't tan..

_Vamp_ 9

Hey, I'm a Ginger cat!!.................... ^ ^ ( . .) c(”)(”) and I sad now

77, u deserve it for liking to laugh at others misfortunes. My gingerness is my strength!!

being a Ginger in middle school was hell, then they got scared of me, and now they respect me. my hair isn't strawberry either, it's bright ******* red

kate_13_beast 7

I just got out of middle school and it was a living hell. I was tortured for 3 years for being a Ginger. There's nothing wrong with Gingers!!!

I'm ginger I never got any trouble from it well I'm strawberry blonde actually but close enough

rebekahah 7

I'm Ginger. getting through middle school being Ginger wasn't hard at all, you just have to joke about it and not take things seriously. :)

I stopped caring. The way I see it is I don't have to look at myself so my appearance is not my problem XD

annadorkable 0
n3rd43v3r 10

Really? Because it caused me to bawl, quite terribly actually

sikkar 0

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway
nayeli760 0

Hahahaha wow. I suggest you get a new cat, or convince your daughter that the cat has a soul. See which one works out for you.

straight up. I can't believe people still think that.

Or don't. If I was OP I'd go with it. Tell her that she bought the soulless cat to keep an eye on her.

TheDrifter 23

No kidding, a daughter that hides in her room instead of constant whining and begging for money? Keep the Ginger cat op.

magnetic_aura 26

Don't get a new cat! Shelter cats have it hard enough. OP's daughter will love the cat and use it as an opportunity to correct her "ginger-phobia"

Dumb kid. Get a white cat. Not a gray cat. For some reason all the gray cats I've had are just dumb.

you mean.. instead of the grey guy?? Ya, awfully racist alright..

fthku 13

Just what is your definition of "Iraq(i) looking guy"? OP your daughter is ******* weird.

meowcow 3

who is dumb when you're the one thinking an orange cat is grey?

fthku 13

You are, meowcow, for not realising the guy basically said was "Get a white cat, but (and this is COMPLETELY unrelated to OP's cat) be careful not to get a grey cat, as there a difference between those two" .. BASICALLY it's what he said. Yeah, so don't call people dumb, dummy.