You are the chosen one

By Me. - 16/12/2022 03:00

Today, a cat appeared in my basement. I have cats, but not an orange one. I don't know where he came in from. I can hardly afford the two cats and dogs I already have, so keeping him is not an option, not to mention he could have a disease. But it's winter, and I feel like crap for having to kick him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 982
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he got in, there's a hole somewhere he can get back out. there's also shelters

Aside from the obvious “shelter” solution, ask your neighbors if they lost a cat? Get a vet to check for a microchip? Ask a friend if they’re willing to hold onto it/adopt?


if he got in, there's a hole somewhere he can get back out. there's also shelters

A shelter is the obvious answer. If that's not feasible, put it in the pet section at a Target or a Walmart.

Aside from the obvious “shelter” solution, ask your neighbors if they lost a cat? Get a vet to check for a microchip? Ask a friend if they’re willing to hold onto it/adopt?

If this cat can actually get along with the two cats and the dogs you already have, he deserves to stay. It took a year and Feliway diffusers for my cats to barely tolerate each other.