By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 04:09 - United States

Today, it was my big sister's birthday, and I was told the iPod I ordered her online was not coming due to a mix up. I drove to three different electronic stores before I found the one she wanted. After spending forever in traffic, I came home to find a package on my doorstep. It was her iPod. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 340
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was very sweet of you to go to all that trouble for your sister. You must love her very much. Now shut the **** up and return the goddamn thing.

well at least u get another iPod for urself


jaderrrx3 0

20- LMFAO! I freaking LOVE your picture!

Now you can have one too? if not, just return it or sell it.

Sw33t_Candiee 0

omfg if u lived in Florida OP I wouldve sworn I knew you! my friend had this same exact problem xD

that's why you keep the ******* receipt for 300 dollar purchases numbnuts.

If I were your sister, I'd probably be submitting an entry in GMH saying how much you tried to get your big sis' a gift to be given on her Birthday. Goes on to show how much you care for her.

I say just keep the extra as your own. what's the big deal? You would have had to pay for both anyway.

momony_fml 0

derf, derf. return one stoopid