By anaph0re - 01/02/2009 15:52 - France

Today, it was good fun getting this nice vampire make-up at my drama lesson. It would have been better if I hadn't forgotten my demake-up. Even better if I could have avoided those crazy glances in the bus home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 704
You deserved it 21 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Freaking out random people on the bus with crazy makeup is fun! I was recently in a play that ended in my crucifixion. I went out to eat afterward without washing the stage blood off my wrists - it got some horrified looks and then laughs from the waitress. Another guy with what looked like a grievous head wound, a black eye, various cuts, and dirt smeared all over his face just stood outside the restaurant smoking for a while, looking cold-blooded. Lighten up, have some fun with it!

You should have just gone with it and pretended you were doing guerrilla performance art or something! :P


andthepennydrops 6

soap + water = “demake-up“

Why not borrow some? Or just use water and soap, for Pete's sake?

I don't see the fml in this. I would have had fun on the bus. you need to lighten up.