By Trainwreck - 13/12/2009 17:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a serious talk. He told me that I was a quick-tempered emotional train wreck. He then said, "You know how we talked about getting married? Now the only way I'd marry you was if hell froze over." He smiled, gave me a kiss, and went to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 005
You deserved it 6 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not enough information. For all we know, you could very well be an emotional train wreck like he said. So I'm gonna say YDI just because I have a feeling that is the case.


This. Then again, OP, now that he's shown his true colors, do you really wanna marry someone who's this big of a douchebag?

I thought Hell was in Scandinavia, or are there just two different cities

u shouldve said and I'll have sex with u when he'll freezes over with a smile n then kiss him hahaha

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Your spelling makes me want to send you back to first grade.

Not enough information. For all we know, you could very well be an emotional train wreck like he said. So I'm gonna say YDI just because I have a feeling that is the case.

Ya, I have a feeling that kind of thing doesn't normally come up unless she did something to cause him to say that.

Well then... Maybe he just wanted you to shut up

oh they are getting merry same Day i get my xmas packes

Ancients 8
Rabbity 0

Maybe you are a quick-tempered emotional trainwreck.

No not necessarily. If she really is the way he described, then she deserves way more than that.