By peopleinthepark - 30/05/2009 14:46 - United States

Today, it was beautiful out. I decided to play guitar at the park near my house. I left my guitar case open, asking not for money but for feedback. I got two pieces of paper with feedback: 1) You're fat. 2) Get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 950
You deserved it 13 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awdorable 0

Oh, I'm sorry, that sucks. FYL. Next time, say 'POSITIVE' Feedback, that would be better, dude.

people are always rude. don't mind them


Well when you ask strangers for "suggestions" it always turn out like that. It's very much possible that you're not fat, and that you're just out to have a good time. Fact is, some people are just so angry about their own life that they rather give you a hard time if you seem to be enjoying it. I also say that even a muscle guy get's called "fat" or have "man boobs." So don't stress out on that part.

thuryn 2

Gosh, #40. Who pissed in YOUR coffee this morning? Geez!

FMLwrestler 0

Actually, #43, I've been having the worst day of the entire year today... I'm not gonna lie. In fact my day was sooo bad, compared to the legendary couple months that came before it, that I created an account specifically for this site. This is like the first time I've been on here since I heard of it. Yeah, my day was that bad. Don't even get me started. Everything is pissing me off at this point. Even FML is pissing me off! argggg

thuryn 2

#44: Ah, sorry to hear it. I'm sure you know not to expect too much sympathy from most people here, but *I* hope your 2009 improves from here. Doesn't sound like it can get much worse. I'd buy ya lunch if I knew where ya were. (Just once, though. I found out recently that I have a new $120/month commitment for the next two years. Yay.)

Aw, that's sweet of you! If only there were more people like you on this Earth.

i've never seen someone playing guitar looking for feedback.

#3 The critiques had nothing to do with his playing...

Glam_fml 0

Well, I guess lose weight and practice more before you decide to play out again. Technically, you asked for criticism and you got it. Next time make sure you specify that you want criticism on your playing ONLY. I hate to say it, but if you want any chance to make it into the music industry, you pretty much have to be in shape and good looking, along with being decent at whatever instrument you play.

YDI. Hey look at me I'm a douche with a guitar...

47 - and we all know that if YOU, BaldOuting, haven't seen it, it doesn't exist.