By owwie - 13/02/2010 20:11 - United States

Today, it snowed in South Carolina for the first time in 10 years. It snowed eight whole inches! I was so excited, I yelled for my kids and ran outside to build a snowman. I ran out to the steps and slipped on ice. I woke up in the hospital with a bad concussion. The snow had all melted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 581
You deserved it 6 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

come to canada!!!we have free healthcare!!!andsnow!!!


allyj 0

To everyone who says: "That sucks that you missed the snow, blahblahblah..." Why doesn't the OP just drive up north in the winter if they want to play in snow? Snow gets old after decades of ice and wind.

CyclonePsycho 1

It's not the same to go play in someone else's snow. It don't know why, but there's a certain charming aspect about seeing the mundanes of life covered in snow. Snow is captivating to those not used to it.

Agreed. I was born in Texas and then lived in Atlanta for eight years. The tiny amount of snow we got for a day or so in the winter if we were lucky was always special. It transforms everything.

CyclonePsycho 1

Aww, OP, living in North Carolina, I understand how exciting it is to get snow for the first time in years. Too bad the state collectively groaned at the snow we got last night. The school-aged kids are still paying for the last one. Though, if it really was eight inches, that's not melting within one day. Our snow is almost completely gone now, but it was barely an inch. I feel like you're exaggerating somehow. :?

boatkicker 4

8 inches of snow can easily melt in a single day. If it can happen in Massachusetts (which I've seen), it can happen in a place that's (in general) warmer.

CyclonePsycho 1

Srsly? I should've guessed the weather acts bastard-y there too. ;_;

boatkicker 4

I can't tell whether or not you're being sarcastic.....

courcour123 0

ok 1) i live in s.c and this guy is full of shit! it has snowed here for the past 3 years. not as mmuch but it snowed! 2) your a dum fuckk dont you wach the news! they told you to put out ice melt! fuckk face :D

terrahhh 0

haha. I was soo excited when I saw it! I was running around having a snowball fight and slipped and did a full split! lol

flyer_fan13 0

you were out long enough to have 8 inches of snow melt? have them check for brain damage because that is called a coma

Aww >_< Hopefully you're okay. :P

MadaZer0 8

True enough, it has helped me write faster. However, it's quickly becoming quite annoying when it replaces words like 'looking' to 'licking'...

lol. if it makes you feel better, i almost went flying down the porch stairs. I forgot that when you compress snow, you get ice. Of course, it hasn't snowed and actually stuck here (in Charleston) in about 20 years. We've had flurries...but not true snow.

It stuck the year Hugo hit. I believe it was in 89. Hi fellow Ginger :D

Since you slipped on ice, I assume it wasn't really that good of a snow anyway.