By gordy1220 - 13/02/2010 18:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I got back from my daughter's flat in Scotland. I got a flight there yesterday morning to surprise her on her 21st birthday. Nobody told her I was coming. When I got there, it turned out she decided to get a plane to London to surprise me. £200 on flights, and I didn't even get to see her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 994
You deserved it 4 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And she spent the same and didn't get to see you. Only it's worse for her because she just wasted her 21st birthday. Oh, I just said 1st. Yehey!

I seen like 20 FMLs like this. You would think people would learn. Oh well FYL


And she spent the same and didn't get to see you. Only it's worse for her because she just wasted her 21st birthday. Oh, I just said 1st. Yehey!

soooo bad lol try something better next year :p


The Gift of the Magi, eh? At least you guys love each other. That's worth a lot more than wasted money and time. :)

AngryNinja 1

caps aren't cool. yelling at people doesn't make you right.


well at least she wanted to see you I mean when I turn 18 believe I never want to see my parents again so you should be kinda happy..

just a thought konny but isnt the whole point of a suprise is not telling her and then SUPRISING her?

could of just called and mentioned that you'd wouldn't be home for the week or something so she won't try to come to surprise you but that sucks, hbd to your daughter though

TexasLegend18 0

awww good daughter. sucks though

I seen like 20 FMLs like this. You would think people would learn. Oh well FYL

dude can you shut up. ppl come on here to read fmls not to hear you bitch about stupid things. gosh I just joined and I already hate you. congrats :) got another fan....

MadaZer0 8

Another example of human stupidity... Why is it that only a handful of people aren't as stupid as 11... *shakes head*

NeonWar__ 0

it's amazing you all think she's stupid. she was going to surprise her. what are the chances she was gonna get flights and her daughter got flights too? if anything snickerdoodles is stupid for thinking the chances of this even happening is high.

agreed and why don't you ignore my comments?

MadaZer0 8

Because if you aren't corrected then the stupidity spreads.

NeonWar__ 0

snickerdoodles talks bullcrap. that's why everyone rants about her. also, how is it stupid to dislike someone?

i agree with everythin MadaZero and snickerdoodles say lol . its like they are inside my head . x3 plus i saw another fml like this so YDI for not tellin atleast ONE of her friends . then mabey that friend wulda stopped her from goin to london lmfao

CyclonePsycho 1

Why can't we all just get along? D;

MadaZer0 8

39 :0 You're Epic! Other than that, Neon I'm sorry to say that your as stupid as you comment. I believe someone stated that 20 or more of this FML can be found on this site. So apparently the chances of that happening to the OP are pretty ******* high dumbshit.

@27 Exactly what I was thinking. I mean a sad coincidence but very much possible. And sweet at the sweet time. Snickerdoodles just has to come and give her shitty $0.02 and kill it for everyone. Seriously, most people don't get on my nerves but SD, holy shit. idk what to say. =/

ImRawrtastic 0

Wtf snickerdoodle wat r u a 12 yr old wit amazin grammar btw bich that's not reli a common mistake

MadaZer0 8

Thus a new plate of morons have arrived

lol nice whatever your name is, you got 69. suits you perfectly I think. i honetly don't give a shit about how many ppl complain about sd and idc if you haven't commented on any of them. why the hell are you taking it out on me??? ffs it's my second comment on this site! sd is obviously hated by many on this site if she's complained about so much. jut because you agree with her you don't need to come bitching at us. we have the right to hate sd.

Can't say I am fond of Snickerdoodle's negativity and down-talk. Quite frankly, a majority of her comments are close-minded and not-so-well thought out. More and more I find that you seem to have no problem judging others quickly and blindly, which really just sickens me...

Classifieds 0

Well there are many people who do not sit down and read every FML to be able to see all of the similar ones. Also, it is a nice gesture to surprise somebody, not idiodic.

MadaZer0 8

For the last ******* time. No one cares. Your bitchy behavior is what people are looking at. 79 summerised it quite well.

Actually snickerdoodles' comments entertain me, she makes FML even better.

adriiana1019 0

everybody should just stop giving snickerdoodles the attention she wants...if you really hate her then ignore her stupid smart ass comments that way she won't feel so dam special

MadaZer0 8

Know I know I read a similar FML. YDI

you should just hang out there for a while

yah; why would you go over there and then leave again. she wouldove atleast come back and you could ove picked her up from the airport..... so that's fyl for being stupid.

epoh_fml 0

and most normal people have jobs they need to return to . . .

Icarus_II 0

Well that would make a nice story to laugh at a year or down down the road. Yet your wallet will still cringe from the wasted money. I'm guessing you both flew back to your houses on the same day too?

JojoBrown520 0

(sigh) ppl are stupid. F all of your L's

marcosfml15 0

this is a terrible fml. it's not funny. and really isn't that bad. ydi just because.

How is it not that bad if you wasted £400 wouldn't you be upset. Are you rich cause if you are that's actually alot of money in the real world.

aww that's so sweet how you both wanted to surprise each other :)

It's still a YDI for the OP, though. Most people will make plans on their 21st birthday. A trip with the boyfriend, going to a nightclub, party with friends - there are many ways in which this plan could have failed. Sure it failed in a particularly ironic manner, but the chance of failure was always high.