By buggingout - 26/07/2011 10:33 - United States

Today, it's the first day of my Hawaiian honeymoon. We found out that the pool is under construction and our room is infested with roaches. We are paying $375 a night for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 144
You deserved it 4 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kn0wledge123 21

Get your money back. As a hotel, they are contractually obligated to provide a clean and hospitable environment. The fact that it clearly isn't means they breached this contract, and releases you and your spouse from the obligation of payment. If they refuse to give you the money back, you can sue for breach of contract & pain and suffering. The More You Know

enonymous 8

Hundreds of indigenous wildlife to keep you company you mean


choirnerd9 0

You are in Hawaii. I'm sure there is more to do than staying in your hotel all day.

redmnky21 8

i would ask for compensation or move to a different hotel

Are you ******* high? In what world is $375/night a 'cheap hotel'?

deefan101 11

thts ur problem for staying at a cheap hotel!

2ndSucks 15

136- ydi? Seriously? Yeah there's a beach in hawaii but you can't go 24/7. Especially if there's a riptide warning. Nobody deserves this, especially not for something as shallow as a low priced room.

Maybe you should research the place you plan on staying instead of picking the first cheap one you find

three words to use unless there is a full refund. small claims court. should do the trick