By KennyDidIt - 09/12/2012 13:18 - United States - Grand Bay

Today, it's my sixth day taking care of my family's seven animals while my parents are in Singapore. So far, I've emergency-called the vet twice, taken a dog to the vet once, and cleaned up liquid dog shit five times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 696
You deserved it 2 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell are you feeding the dogs that are making them sick. It's not that hard to take care dogs.

zingline89 18

Here's a solution! -Don't eat for several days -You die -FML site improves


gmaniac93 7

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randomthing 22

You must have put much thought into that comment.

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dixiefoxx 22

Who even thinks that a "that's shitty" joke is funny? They are so old and annoying.

10- ~League of Legends stop hating guys? That makes no sense.~

gmaniac93 7

You're so original, by commenting on an unoriginal comment by saying its unoriginal.

10- let's stop hating women too, for you know equality

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MichellinMan 20

This thread is filled with uncommon stupidity.

tjv3 10

No offense op but it seems like you suck at animal care

What the hell are you feeding the dogs that are making them sick. It's not that hard to take care dogs.

alliewillie 22

Actually, diarrhea is a VERY common stress response in animals (the stress being the family leaving them and being taken care Of by someone they apparently unaccustomed to). OP may be doing nothing wrong. And anyone who owns dogs knows sooner or later they will end up with an emergency - just like with kids. Sucks it happened in OPs care.

Well you learn something new everyday and yeah seven animals is a lot to take care of.

KingCeltic77 18

This dog could also have some major health concerns no matter what it is fed. That being said, the parents should've told about the dog's health concerns if any.

Sounds like separation anxiety. All of my dogs have done the same thing.

daringtoride 27

I kinda agree, but I can also vividly imagine OP going slightly mad with stress LOL I, myself, am a licensed small home rescue and I currently house six dogs (only two actually belongs to me), two ferrets, a hamster, a turtle, and three birds. Feeding time can be a bit stressful to say the least :') Gotta love the days when I go outside to get the newspaper and instead either go back in with a box of kittens, a ferret in a basket, or whatever else people drop off in the night (true story.) So it can be stressing! ;)

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zingline89 18

Here's a solution! -Don't eat for several days -You die -FML site improves

18- I like that solution more than the other one.

But then the solution to that would be: -Sad family.

I apologize that my sarcasm wasn't communicated to you. I love dogs dearly, and no one should have the heart to murder them. Please feed your dogs and forgive me for not adding a "jk," because that's almost as annoying as a serious comment like mine.

KiddNYC1O 20
RvidxrKlvn 8

I love how people have no shame in joking about killing another person, but when it comes to an animal, they go crazy.

Yea OP, 5 nose what he's talking about.

kultyre 7

#34, he was making a joke about #5's picture.

olpally 32

34- that joke went right over your head.. He was referring to the guy's profile picture as a pun. The fact that I have to explain this, is insane. Edit- 36 beat me to it. Oh well.

I'm in Singapore, do you want me to inform your parents of your...shitty predicament OP? (;

free2speak 14

At first I thought your profile picture was someone squatting down to poo and ruin everyone's beach day and I was about to say that your comment matches very well with your profile picture but upon closer inspection, it just looks like someone picking up something in the water. Still, just wanted to share this.

Hahaha that's hilarious! That guy is me, in a beach in Singapore. Picking seashells ;D

How do u find Singapore? :) I'm a local who has always wanted to find out how tourists find my country. Hehe

If they're that much of a problem...there are places like dog day cares?

Which are costly for one or two pets let alone seven!

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Tsk Tsk blaming kenny for the dogs running away very shitty of you. I hope you don't get vetted for later..

snufflelump 12

You could come up with your own version of the 25 days of Christmas! On the sixth day of Christmas my parents gave to me.. Let us know what you come up with!

FMLshark 12

79- I'm talking about the animals OP was talking about, if OP's animals are alwaysso difficult.