By Yuck - 11/10/2018 05:00

Today, I worked a 12-hour shift. Today my parents' cat also had diarrhoea. Rather than clean it up when said cat projectile shat all through my bed, they simply closed my door and left it for me. Since it's in my room, apparently it's my problem. They can't understand why I'm pissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 366
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyCS5 19

They can’t understand because they are shitty parents.

Nikki K 10

now the only way to fix this is to projectile shit on their bed as well.


AnthonyCS5 19

They can’t understand because they are shitty parents.

The cat also pissed you? S/he must have excellent aiming

Nikki K 10

now the only way to fix this is to projectile shit on their bed as well.

tounces7 27

Honestly I'd suggest you just keep the door to your room closed and if possible locked from now on.

Take the shit sheets and leave them on their bed.

You should withhold the rent to teach them a lesson!

Be glad they didn’t shut the cat up in your room to prevent it from ******** elsewhere.

I would take the shitty blankets and put them on their bed.

I like cats...... I just can't finish a whole one.

Squidgegg 4

Close your door to stop the cat getting in there in future. That, or wring its neck. Or better still, those of your parents.