By SchoolSucks - 19/02/2013 17:05 - United States

Today, it's my first day at a new school. I transferred here halfway through the year to get away from a girl who bullies me. She's apparently bullied her mom into transferring her here as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 398
You deserved it 3 208

Same thing different taste


Assuming the administration doesn't suck, you should be able to work something out with them; however, that seems to be one persistent and cruel kid. Good luck.

It's never assault if it is self-defence. Just saying! You hear about all this anti-bulling campaigning, but reality is the schools can't do much. Every parent thinks their child is innocent and perfect. I just want to slap the shit out of the patents that won't stop their kid from bullying others!! That really grinds my gears!!!!

That's one assertive, dedicated bitch. May i suggest talking to the administrators?

Omfgitsmia 15

Considered a restraining order?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Just fight her everyday until she gets the message. She'll get tired of the pain eventually. Don't avoid your enemies truck through them with a do or die mentality like it's the last fight you'll ever have in life because that's still better than living in fear.

Tell her she keeps bothering you you'll take a shit on her chest ask her if she likes that sort of thing first because you don't wanna give her something she likes

tmmundy 17

39...Are you sure you REALLY want an answer to that question?

Jaszzie 6

Don't forget to bring toilet paper!

perdix 29

You must be an outstanding victim! There's got to be a way to turn that kind of talent into big money. Of course, the bullies would just take it away from you.

Fight vs. flight. Fleeing didn't work. Time to go ape on her ass.

caplox 6

thats ridiculous. how did she even know what school you were going to?

blackman100 20
BellaBelle_fml 23

Oh dear god…I can't even…I just don't know why you would ever…you're tacky and I hate you.