By MrFerret - 06/05/2011 03:41

Today, it's my birthday, and my present is that my mom is coming over to see me so that she can borrow three hundred dollars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 701
You deserved it 3 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Best present EVARRR. That's the price you gotta pay for putting her naughty spot in a world of pain. :)

MarkFeehily 0


mybe she need money to buy you a gift ! :p

Maybe she needs the money more than you do.

why are you letting her come over? desperate for affection or what?

Disasterpiece864 0

And you actually gave it to her? Not too can always say no.

you know you dont have to lend her money. dont be a door mat