By chaos2007 - 13/05/2009 05:11 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. After a day out partying, I came home to find all my stuff smashed in the yard, even my 42" plasma TV. After asking my girlfriend what her problem was, she said a "slut" left a message on the machine stating how fun last night was. It turned out to be my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 276
You deserved it 5 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplyabsurd 0

I suggest ditching the psycho. A 42" plasma? I certainly hope she's going to buy you a new one. But my guess is she doesn't even have a job. Just because it has legs and talks doesn't mean it's worth dating.

deaditegirl 0

Well, now maybe you can get a girlfriend who is slightly less crazy...


Jade_Rothwell 0

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how did you use you're incorrectly, and then use the correct one in the next line? fail

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Lone_Wolf_099 5

Yup You can already buy 3d monitors for a comp I got one with my alienware.

y was she listenin 2 ur answerin machine? nosy.

jazziness 12

321 who even pays attention to that

blanquito 1

better make her pay for that shit.. dumbitch

rttr 18

He wanted to spend time with his mom. He doesn't have to be with his GF EVERY house of the day

He can have a life outside of her . The fact that you think he can't shows what an insecure little girl you are.

KrazyKatz3 26

I agree! Why celebrate your birthday without your live in girlfriend? If it was a family thing fine but doesn't sound it. Otherwise she should have been invited at least....

FYI but did you make her pay for the plasma?

who even uses plasmas anymore? Isn't LED and LCD what's hot right now?

Some videophiles still prefer the quality of the plasma over the LED and LCD screens

deaditegirl 0

Well, now maybe you can get a girlfriend who is slightly less crazy...

purplebluetattoo 3

Totally. I would kill that bitch. Not literally but she should buy you all new shit and then dump her.

So, your girlfriend not only was absent from your birthday party, but doesn't know what your mom sounds like? Fake. If it somehow is true then wow, that girl is insane, i'd move far away from her..

affa99 0

You're mom a ****? I suggest a lawsuit against your girlfriend =)

Chocolate_Chunk 2

you are mom? I'm pretty sure he's male

isaiaha11 2
simplyabsurd 0

I suggest ditching the psycho. A 42" plasma? I certainly hope she's going to buy you a new one. But my guess is she doesn't even have a job. Just because it has legs and talks doesn't mean it's worth dating.

hopefully she now is your EX-girlfriend. She sounds insecure and kinda nuts.

She's got no right to smash your stuff, even if it was another woman who left a message.......what did your mum say on the answerphone for your GF to think it was another woman any way?

Probably... "Oh you were sooooo good last night!"