By nohalloweenforus - 31/10/2016 15:22

Today, it's Halloween and my boss changed his mind at the last minute, telling us we're no longer allowed to carve pumpkins in our lunch hour because, "It would be too distracting". What are we supposed to do with 12 pumpkins now? FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 111
You deserved it 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could throw them at your boss... Disclaimer: All advice offered by the author of this comment is done so in fun, the author takes no responsibility for the consequences of following his advice.

Have you never heard of a Pumpkin Fight? It's basically like a water balloon fight, but with more concussions and broken bones. Easy way to get out of work sick.


Have you never heard of a Pumpkin Fight? It's basically like a water balloon fight, but with more concussions and broken bones. Easy way to get out of work sick.

You could throw them at your boss... Disclaimer: All advice offered by the author of this comment is done so in fun, the author takes no responsibility for the consequences of following his advice.

Take them home and carve them like normal people. Why is this even an FML - who even gets to carve pumpkins at the workplace? It's messy and smelly.

mermaidkeels 26

I'm not even sure why he allowed it in the first place..sounds messy. A small Halloween party with food/treats sounds more appropriate for a work setting.

Do the pumpkins have to stay at work? Each of you could take a pumpkin and carve them at home. I can see your bosses reasoning though. We carved 1 pumpkin at my work, I work at a daycare and it was for the kids, and it was still a hectic mess. 12 pumpkins would be way worse.

Your boss can't tell you what to do on your lunch break? It's a 'break' if you want to carve pumpkins he has no say in that...

Well, yeah, they can do it at home or something, but the boss can certainly prohibit them from doing it on company premises (which is what it sounds like happened).

Lunch is your personal time. U can do whatever you want

Comment #9 sounds familiar to this one.........

you could get markers and and decorate it that way