By nomorepups - 31/10/2016 14:54

Today, I adopted my second dog. When I called to tell my mom about it, she sternly told me that I was not allowed to get any more dogs. I'm 28 and own my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 516
You deserved it 1 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you call and sternly tell her you don't give a ****. Get as many puppers as you can care for OP!!!

She can't control you. Just ignore her and live with your two dogs.


She can't control you. Just ignore her and live with your two dogs.

get as many dogs as you can to spite her

That's when you call and sternly tell her you don't give a ****. Get as many puppers as you can care for OP!!!

Superbaker123 14

Tell her to mind her own business. Moms who think they're still in charge when their kids are adults annoys me to no end.

I moved out of my moms house, with my boyfriend, a little over a year ago.. Even though my mom treats me like an adult in every other way now, she still freaks out everytime I "skip" school, even when I'm not skipping, I'm really just sick.. And then she has me list every symptom that I have to make sure I'm actually sick, and not making it up or whatever..

Agreed! My boyfriend is nearly 22, hasn't lived with his parents for well over a year, earns his own money and pays his own bills yet his parents think they can tell him what they can and can't do! They tried to stop us booking a holiday because they didn't approve!

Get the sheepdog van that they used in Dumb & Dumber and drive past her house menacingly.

She's just mad because the dogs outnumber her now, and it'll be easier to drown out her bullshit.

It sounds like you know her on a personal level..

RpiesSPIES 27

She's just trying to stop you from becoming a crazy dog lady.

RpiesSPIES 27

Just noticed the gender. Sorry ;_;

It was funnier when we actually thought OP was going to change genders.

"I'm a grown man, I pay my own bills. I'll adopt as many dogs as I want"

I'd adopt a third one just to show her :P plus you can never have too many dogs :D

Wow! How controlling. Easy enough, though: don't listen to her.