By helosthisshit - 01/11/2014 14:26 - United Kingdom - Linlithgow

Today, I went to a Halloween party with people from work. As the night passed, my boss got hammered and started throwing food at people. It was fun and games until I accidentally spilled his 10th beer. His response? To slam a hollowed out pumpkin full of chocolate mousse over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 926
You deserved it 4 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chiroptera_Man 10

Bring it up and get a raise. 8) Hopefully it was caught on camera for backup.

Wow op. I can't believe that happened. Maybe he will remember that!


Wow op. I can't believe that happened. Maybe he will remember that!

I guess that you mousse had a lot of fun :-)

That pun may have passed if OP didn't get slammed with a pumpkin, even hollowed out it sounds painful. Getting hit with anything isn't fun.

A pumpkin filled with mousse. Read and reread, 24.

Chiroptera_Man 10

Bring it up and get a raise. 8) Hopefully it was caught on camera for backup.

But it sounds like it was a , dare I say, smashing time. I couldn't resist sorry!

Depends if OP's boss is an asshole or not, they could be fired if they bring it up

Everyone knows that messing with a guy's beer is a huge no no.

Wow that's just a little too far, that sounds like it would hurt even if it was hollowed hope your okay

No that's not 'fun and games' in my book. He's an asshole.

That's why OP said, "until I accidentally.."

Cookiee04 15

That comment was so necessary....(about as necessary as this one) *sarcasm*

orbit 22