By swag huh? - 22/09/2018 04:00 - Philippines - Para?aque

Today, I went on a blind date. As I waited for him in a pet-friendly mall, my friend said, "He's eccentric and has swag!" I didn't exactly know what she meant until I met him. He arrived with a miniature horse with a light pink coat and puffy fuchsia mane and tail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 658
You deserved it 349

Top comments

Pinkie Pie! You’ve found yourself a Brony! If you’re a Pegasister, you might have a whole brood of little ponies someday.!

bluhbluhbluh 14

On the bright side, I'm sure you'd never be bored with a guy like that.


Pinkie Pie! You’ve found yourself a Brony! If you’re a Pegasister, you might have a whole brood of little ponies someday.!

julfunky 29

Uh, that sounds awesome. No FML here.

bluhbluhbluh 14

On the bright side, I'm sure you'd never be bored with a guy like that.

Emma Marshall 19

I don't see the problem...? 🤔

take her to the zoo under the impression its a blind date then simply take your pick

lifeis4me 20

Once she said “swag” you should’ve known something would be wrong with him

blightsight 10

Did the horse have blue and yellow balloons painted on its rump?

bobsanction 18

If anything, F his L because you obviously don't appreciate the awesome things in life.

Seems like the horse is having an identity crisis and wanted to become a pink unicorn Now if the guy was wearing the pink coat and the mane then he’s looking for a boyfriend not a GF.