
By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, the final for a class I'm in is taught by a decrepit old man who apparently has a flunk-out reputation. He spent the entire previous class making a study guide for the final exam, emphasizing, "THIS is on the exam. Know THIS." I studied it hard. Absolutely none of it was on the exam. Everyone failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 8

you and your classmates need to go to the dean/ principal and tell them what happened. you should be able to get a fair do over. if you're lucky, idiot will get canned.

TomeDr 24

Time for you and your class to have a chat with the dean. I mean, if this guy has tenure, it might put them into a tough spot but there’s no reason all of you should have your academic year ruined because of him.


d j mom 8

you and your classmates need to go to the dean/ principal and tell them what happened. you should be able to get a fair do over. if you're lucky, idiot will get canned.

TomeDr 24

Time for you and your class to have a chat with the dean. I mean, if this guy has tenure, it might put them into a tough spot but there’s no reason all of you should have your academic year ruined because of him.

I had a teacher like that in high school. She was so bad and so many students failed that she had to grade exams with a huge curve to the point we all passed with As and Bs. I'd report him, he shouldn't be teaching like that. Best of luck OP.