By happy bday - 17/09/2010 04:02 - Canada

Today, is my 21st birthday. My friends took me to a bar to celebrate, knowing I don't drink. I am now in charge of driving my friends home after they had an awesome night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 993
You deserved it 9 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

robc32ca 4

I still say the term "Friends" needs to be re-defined.


You must be a very boring person. Don't take up drinking because if you can't be designated driver no one will want to spend time with you. ;p

Not choosing to drink does not make you boring. If anything it makes OP realize that they can have fun without relying on a substance. OP it sounds like your "friends" just want another buddy to drink with. They could've got wasted any of the other 364 days of the year. Personally I would've drove home and left their drunk asses to walk home. Then I would've seriously reconsidered my definition of a friend. If they need to drink to have a good time and you don't drink at all, you're probably just better off getting new friends.

varkey 7

how would they know you don't drink if this was your first chance to??? they're idiots

gregmoran 0

oh come on man, don't be so uptight. live a little, it's not even illegal anymore!

oh no!!! your life really suX. I'm crying for you. maybe next time you'll try a shot of jäger now won't you?

It isn't impossible to have a good time sober around people who are drinking, you know.

unless your friends are douchebag drunks, then you should have just said no since it was your bday.

delfino1604 24

you don't know how to have fun without alcohol then?

ellysaurus 0

Maybe you should losen up and start? Just a thought

jennifernorvell 7

Maybe u should drink and u would have an awesome night too