By Sarah - 01/01/2013 15:15 - United States

Today, instead of the traditional midnight kiss, my husband handed me divorce papers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 107
You deserved it 5 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxhollilollixx 6

This is a situation when the term "asshole" just isn't quite strong enough.


This is one of those situations where you have to wonder what led up to this...

I feel your pain. My X did the same thing to me last year & had a boyfriend a month later. Positive thoughts to you hang in there. Baby steps forward & never look back.

congratulation,look at the upside that you got new year and brand new life. everything gonna be okay.

Resolution usually means "resolve," not "get rid of." I wonder why he wouldn't work it out?

Why is it automatically his fault you don't know if the wife is a nut job she is on fml complaining lets take a min to think that over

The upside is that now you haven't wasted even one second of your 2013 being with that douche.

mad_hatter0666 22

What a dick head! I'm sorry, OP. Clearly you are better off. Once you have time to heal, find someone who really appreciates and loves you. You deserve better.

PhishloverA 14

Happy New Year? Merry Christmas ? Should've ended the FML with "Happy New Year." I'm sorry though OP

Satoaoi 13

Now you listen here.there are plenty of men out there. ones more deserving to have you. just gotta hang in there. when one door closes another one opens.everything happens for a reason. now you have a reason to find someone who will love you till death do you part unlike him.