By TheEnglishOne - 23/01/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, in class, I asked my teacher for a "rubber". I didn't realise that in America "rubber" doesn't mean "eraser", it means condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 835
You deserved it 8 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gherto 0

Oh yeah, I used to confused by this from time to time back when I lived in the U.K.

Tygastyle 0

yes, the Beatles are totally still relevant to teenagers! they'll be around forever i think....i'll at least introduce my kids and yeah a rubber can be considered an erases the chances of getting pregnant...?!


# 80- you suckk!!! I'm a freaking girl and I loveeeee the beatles!!!

I did the same thing last year when I was on student exchange in Chicago.

omg, that reminds me of the time me and one of my friends pranked a substitute teacher. he and i decided to talk in english accents for the class and pretend that we were exchange students, she bought it. so we were talking by her desk and i told him that i'd made a mistake, so he promptly turns to her and asks for a rubber (we know that it means 'eraser' in the UK) the look on her face was priceless, (apparently she did not) best day in that class ever. :) lol

#80 rot on ******* hell because you hate the beatles. They're like the greatest band that ever walked the earth so **** you. And like my friends Seth who's a Brit said the exact same thing to me in front of my dad but like he ment eraser.So it came out like "hey do you have a rubber for later because things are gonna get hard." He was revering to this practice test we doing together for math.

rot in hell? dude, chill, it's not the end of the world

Violacatt 0

Actually, they say it the same in Russia, where I'm from. It could be worse for the OP.

iamsam2 3

the best country on earth except every other one.

American English is retarded.. rest of the world english ftw