By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, in Burger King, I was leaning against the railing looking at the menu. I saw an old man using the rail to walk, so I got out of the way. He ran his hand across my back and said "You're so cute, I'd like to take you home and lock you in my basement naked so you can't leave" and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 792
You deserved it 3 902

Same thing different taste


By any chance, was that man's name Jerry or Bernie?

The creepy thing is, it says your a guy.

Hahahaaa this is sooo funny! And freakin' creepy 8|

SunshineDude 3

Maybe it was Johnny Knoxville in costume:D

Dude.... I would punch him sooo hard he wouldnt kno wat hit him

rootbeerfanatic 6

You should have kicked the back of his knees as he walked away

Two words to discribe him old and creepy