By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, everyone in my department got a raise except for me. Last week, I had been the one who asked for a raise for me and my fellow department members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 708
You deserved it 3 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get evidence of your boss bangin hookers, then you got him by the balls.

I know the feeling. I once complained to my boss about how unfair the promotions were being dished out (only 1 per team), when in fact the guy getting the promotion was one of the newest team members and was only getting the job because he was the team leaders bitch. And if he was going to promote anyone he should look at some of the people that had been with the company longer and been more consistent (meaning myself obviously). So 2 people who had been there longer than me got promoted. When I questioned the boss about this he thought that's who I was talking about.


CrackhouseDoug 0

You should have added more foreplay into your asking for a raise. Maybe a "Nice looking suit" or "Mighty big **** you got there" will sufficiantly do.

tyhillman 0

Don't beg for a raise, earn it.

for real, if you beg for a raise, bad things are bound to happen. YDI for not conforming to your $50 an hour job you greedy busta

Because you can assume that he makes $50 an hour, right?

michael32123 0

$50 an hour is a high first assumption. and after you get so much per hour it goes to weekly / 2 weeks etc. ppl don't get paid like $500 an hours

it's what happens when you get sooky about getting a raise ;)

VickiPeace 0
Sweet2020 4

#3 Totally agree. Nothing good ever happens when you make other people's problems your own. How many of them would have asked for you?

I hate how people keep saying that. I mean yes, people are getting laid off, but most people still have jobs. It's not like everyone and their 3rd cousin doesn't have a job and it's some magical thing to learn you have one. Jebus.

skullbuster 0

Actually, in many areas of the U.S. the unemployment rate is 9-13%. That means 1 in 10 people who want a job don't have one. So yes, it is kind of like everyone and their 3rd cousin is out of work. But the 1st and 2nd cousin, along with the brother, the uncle, the step-sister, the father and the grandma - they still have jobs!

The unemployment rate doesn't only include people who want a job and don't have one. Retired people are included in that statistic as well.

get evidence of your boss bangin hookers, then you got him by the balls.

well you must have dones something then. i hate incomplete stories

dayrin7 4

Thats because your special XD lol..stop complaning though..some ppl wish they had a job *hint hint* me.