By fthislyfe - 18/07/2011 07:09 - Netherlands

Today, in an amphitheater, someone hit the back of my head. As I turned around, the guy apologized and said he mistook me for his friend. I changed seats, and after a while, I got hit a second time. He was wrong again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 477
You deserved it 3 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the old "Hit someone and claim you thought it was someone else" trick. He hadn't made a mistake - he just wanted to smack a bitch.


lmaoatall 6

this sounds like the person that hit the other op in the head awhile back, he's just useing a different tactic. teach this ******** a lesson and open up a major can of whip ass. this asshole needs to be stopped!!!

pan1cked 0

you could have asked security to escort him out. I'd be pissed as ****.

Ah, the old "Hit someone and claim you thought it was someone else" trick. He hadn't made a mistake - he just wanted to smack a bitch.

SmallTownCutie 0

I love that song, forgot who sang it though...

compworks 4

Hmmm ... that doesn't make sense. If you wanted to slap a 'bitch', it'd make more sense to do so on the ass. But, then again, she might have been sitting down ...

Yell at him. Maybe even get security to kick him out.

ydi the second time for changing seats. atleat he apologized though!

denvan 0

You should've slapped him and said "I'm sorry j thought you were my ex"