By crunkdrunk - 31/05/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I woke up with a hangover after an intense night out. I decided to look at my camera to figure out what happened the night before. All my pictures were deleted except one video of me dancing to Lollipop by Lil Wayne, and giving a lapdance and head to my giant plush rat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 591
You deserved it 57 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cheese1756 0

Since when did giant plush rats have genitals?


epicfail11 0

the real victim here is the rat i hope he files a sexual harassment charge against you. Also wow #106 you must be fun at parties.

Well the song does suggest what to do with the rat. But still, how much this is truly an FML depends on whether you are a dude or a chick, and your orientation. Lawl.

Well I guess secretly you are a furrie.

no sympathy for self inflicted injurys love :P by that i mean i have no sympathy for people who have time for hangovers! lucky... i h8 exams....

Damn! Too bad the other pics are gone! Can we at least have a link to the video?! :D FYL for not having extra pics.

3timesthefun 0

i wish that was me u gave head too

absentinsanity6 0

EW why do you even have a giant plushed rat that can recieve head? O.o

I'm calling bs on this one. How can you tell that you were dancing to the song lollipop by a picture?