By Firepants - 28/08/2010 16:04 - Canada

Today, I woke up with a burning sensation on my butt. Remembering that yesterday I was bit by a fire ant, I decided to reinspect the bite. I found ten more which itch and burn. My parents' new nickname for me is "Firebutt". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 500
You deserved it 4 119

Same thing different taste


OhMyHolyBalls 0

Aww OP, I'm so sorry /: ...Firebutt (;

did you know that there is something called anti-cream and anti-burn cream too!?! use it sir and it will make the pain go away :)

Rub mayonnaise on the bites. I'm not even kidding.

sammehsaurus 0

At least you have a hot ass? lol:)

Were you sitting on a fireant mound naked? fireants are a fact of life here in Florida. How could you not feel the 10+ fireants crawling on you? Your nick should be NumbButt.

StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

you know damn well you got hemorrhoids.

26 - How would I see it? I truly am serious.

I understand. That doesn't change the fact that I wasn't joking.

mrgiraffe 0
tweetbaby14 18

it's better than firecrotch; that is a much more serious disease.


I bet OP's Butt looks like #20's picture now lol

got one thing to say "goldbon it the fix for almost every itch"

iTaylor 0

ahh good one 51 and I LOVE your picture!! and Firebutt, fyl.

zakkyzebra 11

firecrotch. will you take firebutt to be your lawfully wedded wife?

"Hey baby Im no liar, You better stop drop n' roll cuz your BUTT'S ON FIRE!" Anyone get my reference? :]

cubanchick 0

my bf calls me frostbutt cuz my butt gets really cold at night. :)

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

how did they bite your butt? Did you sit on them????

Most ants have legs. Just in case you didn't know...

hahahahahaha I like ur parents lol but yeah fyl that suxs and it must hurt wen u go to the bathroom...

Get some of that cream that you can rub on your ass to stop the burning and itching. I forget the name...