By averagepromedio - 28/08/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, I went over to my boyfriend's house to break up with him. After I left his house, I realized that my cell phone had fallen out of my pocket and onto his couch, where I had forgotten it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 089
You deserved it 18 217

averagepromedio tells us more.

Okay people, I guess I forgot to add at the end, "The wait at his front door while he got it for me was extremely awkward." Sheesh. And yes, I am very thankful that a couple of 18 year olds can actually be mature enough to handle a breakup well. I did it in person, and when I forgot my phone, he didn't mess with it, and I went back myself to get it. I found the situation more humorous than anything, so this post wasn't really like whining, just kind of like "Hmm, of all times something like this could happen, it just so happened to be the time I broke up with him. That sort of sucks, but it's a good story."

Top comments

r6_fml 4

You had the courage to go over and break up with him now get the courage to go back in and get your phone.


Was that the FIRST time you lost your phone?

so... go back and get it. can't believe this got published

I agree with #4,sometimes the most stupid FML's get published instead of the good ones.

id like to give you props for at least going over there and breaking up in person.. but sorry dude, just go back and get it.

IphonFML 6

this isn't a FML... go back and ask for yr phone? maybe it'tt be a little awkward though

I think #1 put first in all caps to tell everyone he was first without actually saying it.

Schizomaniac 24

Haters come around from downtown I get surround sound I get BIG :D

Schizomaniac 24

My comments are appearing multiple times and in random places. And I'm not hating, but I can see that you're an idiot, so good-bye.

OhMyHolyBalls 0

just go back and ****** get it big whoop.

iTaylor 0

I give her a thumbs up for spelling "realized" right.

are people suppose to lose their cell phones alot? are you seriously taking pride in that? good for op for breaking up with someone the classy way

the_flirtt 0

exactly 6 atleast u had the balls to go over in person

knight0748 5

ydi for stupidity, fml for reading this.

wow u are able to break up with him but too pussy to get the phone :-/ op don't complain suck it up and go get ur phone. and guys that are complaining that it doesn't look like an fml be carefull I got banned for that stupid crap

haha. thanks 13. It just seemed random for first to be in caps and then it clicked. :)

this is retarded... let's kill the person who moderated this

They'll name anything an FML these days.

fakeaccountX 6

you deserve it for breaking up with him in the first place

lostinlove4u 3
BallinJ 0

really. just go back and get it. if he is an adult, he will hold it for you and give it back. what is the big deal here?

??? why was my comment moderated?? I didn't troll...

KiddNYC1O 20

37- she did an awesome job figuring that out

i would have texted everyone that i am a *****

atomicwedgie4u 0

go back & tell him you might have made a mistake, grab your phone & then tell him that your decision was correct the first time. Then kick him in the knee & walk away slowly.

BahahahLOL 0

YDI for having your boyfriend and eating him too-- err, I mean dumping him..

lexy216 0

agreed, 4. fml for wasting time to read this.

roxyluv 0

hahahaha omg that actually made me laughxD

tweetbaby14 18

ok here's what you do in a situation like this OP: shut the f**k up, drag your lame self back there, knock on the door, get the phone, say "Good day to you sir!" and leave. not that hard. while you're at it go buy yourself a brain. everybody gets one, your friendly neighborhood spiderman


I bet it's gonna be awkward when you walk back in through their house to get your phone back....You probably could like just feel the tension of them staring at you as you get your phone!! 

JustineBieberHat 0

when are you coming back to get it you bitch why'd u break up with me oh and btw I broke your phone bitch

So get your phone, then break up with him. And then get the hell away from FML.

so.... go get it. I fail to see the FML in this

mcgonagle 0

21 - I didn't know girls had balls ;)

Why would that matter? But I will answer your question just to humor you. No it's not the first time I lost my phone. I guess I forgot to add at the end of this post, "The wait at his front door while he got it for me was extremely awkward." Sheesh. And yes, I am very thankful that a couple of 18 year olds can actually be mature enough to handle a breakup well. I did it in person, and when I forgot my phone, he didn't mess with it, and I went back myself to get it. I found the situation more humorous than anything, so this post wasn't really like whining, just kind of like "Hmm, of all times something like this could happen, it just so happened to be the time I broke up with him. That sort of sucks, but it's a good story."

All these comments. . . Getting moderated. It reminds me of the troll war. So many lost, so many lost.

Don't think you understand what fml means.

r6_fml 4

You had the courage to go over and break up with him now get the courage to go back in and get your phone.

Schizomaniac 24

You look like my friend Erika. Except her hair is black :P

Blackiechan85 0

4 is right. just go get it??? quit bitching.

kkbanks 0
Jeff2017 0