By davincourt - 29/04/2012 18:31 - United States - Apollo Beach

Today, I woke up to my girlfriend wiping a booger off her finger and onto my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 252
You deserved it 2 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The most pressing question here is: was it yours or hers?

HonestTruth 5

You should do the same to her and if she likes it, she has a booger fetish.


theonlysweetpea 10

Leave her. I'm not even joking.

I took a screenshot of the 666 comments. I have no life, apparently.

katcot99 11

Most of the other times people say to break up with them is not the right way to go, but I have to say, this one may be a good enough reason to..

You should start looking for a gf with better hygiene.

FML. noun eff-em-el A website that teaches you to appreciate your significant other in contrast to the absolute freaks you could be waking up to every morning.

LoganBurrito 6

Perfect Gurren Lagaan moment if it happens again: Her: "Eat THIS!" You: "NEVERRRRRR!"